Pipsqueaks Child Care Center - Logo
308 Duncan Avenue
Ellwood City, PA 16117


Child Care Facilities

CPR Certified | Multiple Child Discounts | Breakfast, Snacks and Drinks Included

CPR Certified
Multiple Child Discounts
Breakfast, Snacks and Drinks Included

Facilities Offered for Your Child to Play

You will be happy to know that we have a selection of facilities at our center for your child. We take the children on outdoor walks to local parks, indoor and outdoor playgrounds made for them and provide breakfast, snacks and drinks. Parents are responsible for bringing lunch.

We'll Help Get Your Kids to School

You will be happy to know that we offer transportation to the Riverside School district. We also provide supervised walks to and from an Ellwood City School district bus stop which is just around the corner. Our day care services are available all year round.
Call us to schedule a consultation
and tour!
Locally owned Pipsqueaks Child Care Center is a member of the Ellwood City Chamber of Commerce.
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